For all your transportation and logistics needs. Insure with Knight.

Professional Liability

In the logistics industry, a minor mistake can result in a major loss. Knight can provide the coverage you need to protect your business from errors and omissions that responds to claims and/or lawsuits for consequential or financial loss your clients may suffer as a result of your alleged negligence. Coverage includes attorney fees, court costs and settlements. Coverage can also be endorsed to include Contingent Cargo, Special Contracts, and other unique coverage needs.


Knight has an experienced staff to handle your professional liability claims. We have underwriting and claims settling authority with multiple markets. This allows us to underwrite your special contact needs and provide sound legal advice on claims and lawsuits. Knight only works with reputable attorneys that specialize in your industry.

Knight’s claims handling expertise is enhanced with our proprietary claims management system, ARMourâ„¢. This database allows for efficient claims settlement, subrogation and other claims-related services that Knight can provide.